
The discord bot[Nebula] can be upgraded anytime to provide seamless service to make you more comfortable with the commands!

New Version [2.0.0] released!

For any suggestion and request about your favourite feature, just click here. All suggestions are appreciatable!

2.0.0 - [21/04/2021]

" This update is almost a very big to announce many new commands for you! Read and try it guys!! Made just for you!"


Music Commands [General]:





Join VC

Summon the bot to join the current VC


Leave VC

Forces the bot to leave the VC



Pauses the song



Resumes the song

Music Filters [Beta]




.bass <number>

Bass effect

Applies bass for the song

.pitch <number>

Pitch Effect

Applies pitch for the song

.speed <number>


Increases and decreases the

speed of the song


Default filter

Resets all the filters to normal

You can use 0 for all effects to get back to the normal effect

Moderation Command

  • .purge <number>- Orders the bot to clear the given amount of messages to clear in the channel. [Maximum Limit for deletion per request: 1000]

Server Commands

  • .channelinfo [name|mention|id] - Provides all the information from top to bottom of the channel

  • .member [name|mention|id] - Displays about the user such as stats, roles, etc...

  • .role [name|mention|id] - Show all the information about the role such as creation date, Permissions, position, colour, etc...

Fun Commands

  • Random Pet pics - .cat, .dog, .doberman, .pitbull, and .pug

  • .topic - If you feel bored, use this command. Nebula will ask you some cool questions for a fun-filled experience ;-)


We redecorated some commands like improving the look, adding additional information for few commands.. Here is a look

.serverinfo - Added total boosts and boost level of the server, server banner and features

.nowplaying - Added the facilities like video's link redirect, description and publisher of the video

.queue - Added nice seperator and duration left of the current playing song to avoid confusions

1.5.0 - [11/03/2021]


Setups command:

  • .add-emoji <link> <name> - Will add emoji to your server. The link can be a GIF, PNG, or else JPEG. You can also copy the link address of the shared image in discord. No :colons: needed

Usage:.add-emoji playtom

  • .slowmode <duration>- Will turn on the slow mode for the given duration. Use 0s to disable.

Fun and Utilities:

  • .remindme <duration> <reason(opt)> - This reminder command will ping and notify you through the Direct Messages[DM]. Reason is optional

  • .invite - Lets you invite the bot and provide the support server's link

  • .wyr - New "would you rather" game command

  • .search <query> - Will search your result in google and now it supports the Wikipedia


  • .privacy - Bot's new privacy and policy command

  • .vote - Now you can vote our bot Nebula in TOP.GG!

"Thank you for growing and supporting our bot! Will continue the seamless service with a lot and lots of updates, just for you!"

1.2.0 - [15/02/2021]



  • .set-log <channel> - Will log the deleted message, user bans, etc

  • .disable-log - Will stop in case if you want the bot to stop Audit logging

  • .set-welcome <channel> - A welcome message will generate if users and bots join your server

  • .disable-welcome - Disables welcome message of the bot

1.1.5 - [18/01/2021]


Utility Commands:

  • .facts, .avatar and .avatar <mentioned>, .covid <country> added

Moderation Commands:

  • .ban <mention>, .unban <user ID>, and .kick <mention> added

Nebula registered on the Bot For Discord[BFD] website.

Click here to go to the panel. This doc was also released on this date.


.play command brought undefined errors

1.1.0 - [13/01/2021] - Music Commands


  • .play - Grab and play music from YouTube in Voice Channel

  • .skip - Skips the current playing track

  • .pause - Pause the track in the Voice Channel

  • .np - Shows what's now playing by the bot

  • .stop - Stops the current playing song

  • .queue - Detail the current queue of the tracks

  • .vol - Sets the volume of the bot. Hears the same volume for all users in VC{Voice Channel}

1.0.0 - [1/1/2021]


  • Our Nebula was created on 01/01/2021 under the discord developer portal

  • Running with - NodeJs - Version V12x under JavaScript coding platform


  • Added AFK (Away From Keyboard) command.

  • The Prefix can be changeable in any server. Works for Admin and manageserver permission.

  • Weather command added to check the climate across the cities of the globe!

Usage: .weather <cityname> |

  • Covid Status: Added covid status command with country-wise cases and recoveries

  • Google search from chats: Added | Usage: .search <yourquery>

Last updated

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